
A Fine "how d' ya do"

I decided to jump on the band wagon since all the cool kids are doing it these days, and decided to create a blog..yes it's true.Anywho, I am getting married May 29 to my longtime sweet heart(Kelly). I cannot wait, and count down those days! Planning has been hectic, but its all going to be worth it!I'm a architecture student at the University of Minnesota, currently in my senior year. I have a huge interest in historical preservation and sustainability. Recently I got into photography, thanks to Christian Korab (great architectural photographer). I will post my new stuff as I shoot them. Enjoy
Here are my current favorites. More can be seen on my flickr site

My Fiance


1 comment:

  1. this one is super tight. the flickr thing won't let me comment on your pictures cuz i don't have yahoo but i looked at all of them and they're really amazing. i really like
    IMG_3937. how much are your prints?

